Our services are based on three elements:
Whether you want greater IQ, EQ or FQ in your business, we have a range of workshops, courses and structured approaches to help.
These have been developed over years of working with companies of all shapes and sizes (from large global organisations to small start ups).
Our work is proven and built around being: Tailored; Value-adding and Low-disruption

IQ (Intelligence Quotient) Services
​Challenges you might be facing
Are you facing business challenges and new environments you don't know how to overcome?
Do you want to develop a new strategy but don't know where to start or are unsure if it is the right one for the situation in front of you?
Would you like your teams to operate more strategically and analytically so as to improve their thinking and unleash their potential?
Services we offer
Problem solving and strategic options assessment workshops/hot-houses*
Analytics and Insight support
Strategy testing methodologies*including: Strategic War Gaming; Strategy Simulations; Pre-mortems
Training for teams to operate more strategically including: structured problem solving; Strategy and Analysis 101,interview and workshop facilitation
*highly recommended by clients

EQ (Emotional Quotient) Services
​Challenges you might be facing
Do you find that your teams aren't working as well as they could with each other or with other stakeholders?
Do you find it difficult getting your business to buy into leadership ideas?
Do you suspect that there are hidden elements to your culture or ways of working that make getting things done harder?
Services we offer
Health check of corporate, leadership and team culture/impact including personaility profiling
Innovative team building and leadership off-sites
Identification of hidden barriers to performance and unconscious biases
Soft skills/EQ training with particular focus on: influencing skills & style flex*; coaching & feedback; and negotiation
*highly recommended by clients

FQ (Focus Quotient) Services
Challenges you might be facing
Do you find your teams/leadership are either not clear or are misaligned on your vision and strategy and how their work links to this?
Do you have too many change initiatives ongoing with competing demands creating too much 'noise' for teams?
Do your teams encounter obstacles that they find difficult to overcome and/or add to the confusion with the way they do things?
Services we offer
Strategy, vision & KPI development workshops*
Comms and buy-in session development
Innovative prioritisation workshops
Assessment of business change readiness and effectiveness
Training for teams to deliver greater focus including: Structured communication and presentation training; root-cause problem solving